"The Masonic order is not a mere social organization, but is composed of all those who have banded themselves together to learn and apply the principles of mysticism and the occult rites."
(from the Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Mason, respected as an authority by most Freemasons)
This message is a minor expose on the dangers of Freemasonry.
My desire is to enlighten and warn Christians of its dangers and seductions, and call its practitioners and members to receive Jesus and to reject and repent of their participation in such an organization. We must strive as Christians never to hold grudges or any kind of anger or malice against any sinner- for we are all sinners. True Christians are saved because we trusted God and received His grace but that does NOT make us superior to anyone. A few of the nicest gentlemen that I've ever known were Freemasons- but they unknowingly were practicing something that could destroy their eternal souls. You cannot serve two masters! I call them to repentance because I care about them and the Lord is not willing that ANY should perish! I DO NOT at all hate Freemasons but rather love them enough to tell them what I and many others deem to be the truth about their dark religion, and to warn the body of Christ as to their intensive war against true Christendom. The Lord does not allow Christians to hate ANYONE- especially not those who we disagree with, nor are we allowed to hate those who hate us. Real Christians love their enemies and those who persecute them, and I have experienced the anger and hatred of a few Freemasons. I am practicing my 1st amendment right to free speech, which many Freemasons have sought to repress by labeling any criticism against their beliefs as hate speech. That alone tells me that they view Freemasonry as some kind of superior, sacred brotherhood that is intolerant of examination or criticism of any kind. It also is indicative of the kind of power that they wield. Freemasons tend to hold positions of authority and power- that is encouraged in their membership. They are the ultimate "good-ol-boy's" club but most of their membership are merely misinformed pawns in the hands of the elites who serve Satan and his global conspiracy
"...we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places..." Ephesians 6:12
Many have been blinded to what constitutes evil, but God does not want us to be ignorant, blind, or compromised.
Some anti-masonic web sites have been bumped off of their servers because some Freemasons whined and complained about having their beliefs exposed. Hopefully, that won't be the case with my Christian web server, and the little risks I take for telling the truth in Jesus' name will never keep me up at night! Freemasonry is an antichrist, religion, as their own recognized experts prove in their own writings.
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
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