* 70 percent of porn is downloaded between 9am and 5pm. (SexTracker)
* 37 percent of at-work Internet users in the US had visited an X-rated Web site from work. (ComScore Networks, Dec 2003) #
# 73 percent of all movie searches on file-sharing networks were for pornography. (Palisade Systems, 2003)
* One-third of time spent online at work is non-work-related. (Websense, IDC)
* Internet misuse at work is costing American corporations more than $85 billion annually in lost productivity. (Websense, 2003)
* 80 percent of companies reported that employees had abused Internet privileges, such as downloading pornography or pirated software. (CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey, 2003)
# 57% of people have used the Internet to flirt. (Greenfield and Rivet - Internet Use & Abuse Survey 1999)
# 38% of people have engaged in explicit online sexual conversation and 50% of people have made phone contact with someone they chatted with online. (Greenfield and Rivet - Internet Use & Abuse Survey 1999)
# Evidence proves there is a high correlation between on-line cybersex and subsequent real-time sexual affairs. (Greenfield and Rivet - Internet Use & Abuse Survey 1999)
# Evidence supports the existence of disinhibition, accelerated intimacy, and hyper-sexual online behavior that can easily lead to real-time sexual affairs (Greenfield and Rivet - Internet Use & Abuse Survey 1999)
# 31% of people have had an online conversation that has led to real-time sex. (Greenfield and Rivet - Internet Use & Abuse Survey 1999)
Relationships are constantly being tested and destroyed by sexual affairs that start from online conversations. If you have high suspicions of an Internet affair, finding out the truth before more action is taken is extremely important. We provide the software to allow you to do that.
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
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