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Setting Captives FreeProviding Christ-Centered Hope and Freedom
Setting Captives Free exists to offer Christ-centered Hope and Freedom
to those in the grip of sin through accountability to Bible-based Truth
resulting in the true enjoyment of Life in and for the Glory of God.
Billy Graham
When Good Men Are Tempted
Breaking Pornography Addiction
Center for On-Line Addiction
Resources for therapists and families, tips on Cyber-wellness, and
Personal Therapy
Christians for Sexual Integrity
Christian Recovery Connection
Co-Sexaddicts Homepage
eXXit Escaping the web of temptation
Fires of Darkness Pornography addiction can be overcome!
Healing for Women Hope Healing to heart
How can I tell if I'm addicted to sex or pornography?
Is there a way to overcome my lust for sex?
Mastering Life Ministries
New Life Ministry
Porn Prayer Support Articles and support that will help the porn addict.
Pure Intimacy
A resource for those struggling with online pornography and affairs
Pure Life Ministries
Recovering Couples Anonymous
Resisting Internet Porn
Sex Addicts Anonymous
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Struggling with pornography
The Center for On-Line Addiction
The Pleasure of Lust
When A Man's Eye Wanders
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