20% of children encounter a sexual approach or solicitation online
Youth Internet Survey
22% of solicitations to children occurred whilst at someone else's home.
Crimes Against Children Research Center
25% of children are exposed to unwanted pictures of naked people or people having sex.
Youth Internet Survey
One in 17 children are threatened or harassed online
Youth Internet Survey
23% children report that they are very or extremely upset by sexual exposures online
Youth Internet Survey
89% of solicitations occur in chat rooms or Instant Messages.
Pew Study
75% of children are online four or more days per week and 72% of children spend more than 2 hours on a typical day online.
Youth Internet Survey
One in thirty-three children receive an aggressive sexual solicitation - a solicitor who asked to meet them somewhere called them on the telephone; sent them regular mail, money, or gifts.
Youth Internet Survey
73% of exposures occur while children are search or surfing the Internet, 7% involve violence in addition to nudity and sex and 17% are exposed to inappropriate sites by misspelling a website address.
Youth and Society
Pornographers disguise their sites (i.e. 'stealth' sites) with common brand names to entrap children
Cyveillance Study
43% or children exposed to inappropriate sites did not disclose it to any one.
Youth and Society
19% of children reported at lease one symptom of stress after being exposed to inappropriate sites.
Youth and Society
Only 17% of youth and 11% of parents could name a specific authority such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), CyberTipline, or an Internet Service Provider to which they could report an Internet crime.
Youth Internet Survey
66% of youth and parents agree that children know more about the Internet than their parents do.
Parents Online Study
84% of parents said adults should be extremely concerned about children being exposed to sexual material on the Internet
Youth and Society
By Nilsen RHEVI at http://nilsen.home.ro
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